Forestry Women Who Rock – Amanda Lang – Episode 54
Amanda Hamsley Lang is the COO & Vice President of Client Services, Forisk Consulting and we had a great chat about women working up to leadership positions in forestry companies. Have kids and being a mom is not easy, but worth it and when you work for a flexible team like Forisk, it makes the journey better.
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Amanda Lang is a Partner and, as COO and VP of Client Services, leads all of Forisk’s operating, project management and Forisk Subscriber Support activities. She leads Forisk’s mill capital investment research program, and she teaches workshops and delivers presentations related to tracking and evaluating wood markets and forest industry capacity. Prior to working with Forisk, she interned with International Paper and conducted award-winning forestry operations research at the University of Georgia under Dr. Dale Greene. In 2016, she was named one of the UGA Alumni Association “Forty Under Forty”, and was named the Warnell “Young Alumni of the Year.” She serves on the Georgia Forestry Association Board of Directors and is the chair of the Southeastern Society of American Foresters. Ms. Lang received B.S. and M.S. degrees in Forest Resources from the University of Georgia.
Voice By Gordon Collier in Introduction:
Spring by Ikson